Кратко интервю в OpenTag

В компанията в която работя има инициатива “OpenTagger On Focus”, в която всяка седмица правят интервю с някой от служителите. Виждам, че това е практика и в много други компании и това е готино защото има хора на работа, които ги е грижа какво имаш да споделиш за себе си и те карат да се чувстваш оценен.

На Св. Валентин 2023 се падна честта аз да бъда интервюиран и тук споделям поста от LinkedIn и въпросите, които колегите ми зададоха.

What do you celebrate: Valentine's day or Trifon Zarezan? 🤔 On this day in Bulgaria, we also celebrate St. Trifon, the patron saint of vineyards, in a day dedicated to wine and feasting. 🍷 🍇

But let's forget about those holidays! 💔 Today is Tuesday, which means it's time for the person at our OpenTagger on Focus initiative!

We want to present you with one of our best QA's – Dimitar! Check out why he became a QA and why he is famous in OpenTag as the Lyulin Oracle... 🔮 🧙

1. What inspired you to become a QA?

It was mainly due to my love for video games and technology. My career actually began with a temporary job as a QA in the gaming industry until I finished my master's degree in homeland security. However, I quickly realised that this is the field I want to continue working in, so here I am 8 years later, still in love with what I do as a QA.

2. What is your favourite project that you've worked on at our company and why?

I've been working in the Sports team since day 1. I love this project not only because of my amazing colleagues but also the challenging and varied work. There's always something new and exciting to test.

3. Can you explain a technical challenge you've recently overcome and how you solved it?

Some of the more technical challenges we face are related to test automation, but getting tons of support from the team to figure out how to make our tests more readable, reusable and efficient makes this an exceptional learning experience.

4. What advice would you give someone starting in the IT field?

Always stay curious, ask questions and keep learning. Good soft skills are a must if you focus on becoming a QA. Us QAs are, by nature, bearers of bad news, so the way we present this bad news to our colleagues is essential. Be kind and respectful of their work when something isn’t working right.

5. Are there any areas of development you would like to explore in the future?

I've always been interested in cybersecurity. This was actually the topic of my thesis for my master's degree, and I'd like to combine aspects of my education with my field of work. I firmly believe that secure and privacy-respecting software is critical in today's tech-focused world. Contributing to open-source projects is also something that I'd love to do someday.

6. Why do they call you the Oracle of Lyulin?

I turned out to be good at googling football match predictions and comparing them to the odds from multiple sports bookmakers, then betting on the most likely outcome. This is how I reached 3rd place in our internal World Cup prediction game and won an original football jersey!

I also have the privilege of living in Lyulin, so there's that.

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Stay tuned for more, and get ready to learn about the people who make this company great!

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